Sequence Number - Get the next free sequence number

This action returns the next free number in a sequence (e.g. to generate a new unique identifier of a record in a database table).

A sequence is a series of whole numbers, starting from 1. When the action is first used for a specific sequence, it returns 1. The next time it is used for the same sequence, it returns 2, etc.

Properties [required]

To identify the sequence, set the Key property of the action to the name of the sequence (e.g. if you want to generate a unique identifier for records in a certain database table, you can set the Key property to the name of the table). Alternatively, use the <Key> trigger.

By default, all sequence numbers are kept is a special database table (Sequence_Numbers). To use a different table, set the sequenceNumberTable property of the action to the name of the database table to use (or use the <Table Name> trigger).


<Data Source> (non-repetitive trigger [not required]): Name of data source to use (if different from the default data source; see Connecting to an External Database).

<Table Name> (non-repetitive trigger [not required]): The name of the database table to use (if different from the sequenceNumberTable property of the action).

<Key> (non-repetitive trigger [not required]): The name of the sequence (if different from the Key property of the action).

<Auto Commit> (non-repetitive Boolean trigger [not required]): Indication whether to interact with the database in auto-commit mode.

If <Auto Commit> exists and a Yes value is received, the database action is performed in auto-commit mode, regardless of any active transaction (see Database Transaction Support in Tersus).

Exit [required]

The action's template has one exit (<Next>), returning the generated sequence number.

Usage Example

"Submit" (at the end of stage 3 of the tutorial):